Culture eats strategy

Transforming a business can be challenging, it takes time and commitment to ‘seeing it through’. Organisations can be a bit like jelly.  If you prod and poke them, they look like they change shape, but the minute you un-prod or un-poke them, they revert back to their original shape.

Typically, people are the key success factor to change.  Not just in people organisations, but any organisation. 

The polymath Peter Drucker famously said that “culture eats strategy for breakfast”.  The inference here is that the culture of your organisation [and by extension, it’s people] will determine its success, no matter how effective and clear your strategy may be.

It’s best at this point to take a short step back to remind ourselves what Peter Drucker was referring to when he spoke of Culture and Strategy.  Culture is not only the way your company operates toward fulfilling your goals, it also includes the behaviour and core values of each employee. As such, it is not something that is static, just as the behaviours of your employees are not static. It’s complex and mercurial. Your strategy defines direction, goals and focus; culture is the habitat in which strategy lives or dies. It is one thing to use your strategy to create the rules by which your organisation plays by, but culture determines the way the game will be played.

It is vital to note that your organisational culture happens whether you work on it or not. It represents the core of the company, and most of it is created by the Executives and senior leadership team —sometimes unknowingly. The actions of the Executives and senior leaders speak louder than their words in the process of culture creation. Their leadership shadows are long and far-reaching.  

When we look at Transformation, the people implementing the plan are the ones that make all the difference.  If your team members aren’t passionate about your company’s vision, they won’t be enthusiastic about executing the plan.  If your people don’t believe in the targets and goals that are being set, then your strategy stands no chance. Simply introducing a new set of target or goals won’t work either.  Therefore, it is important that strategy and culture are created in-concert. If done well, they will enable Transformation success.

Encompass has several recommendations for simple, inexpensive ways to create that healthy culture in your organisation – one that supports the implementation of your strategy.

Pulse Surveys

A simple and effective way to check in with all your employees. Ask them to be open about the things you do well, and the things you could improve upon.  Ask them how they think improvements should be made, give them a voice and listen to it.

Communicate. Regularly, but meaningfully

All employees need to know – and be reminded of – where the company is headed, how its going to get there and where it’s at today. Keep your communications simple, short and effective.  Losing the ‘signal in the noise’ is a common mistake and your corporate communications soon becomes ineffective and unheard.

Celebrate the wins – not the problems

Focus on positive outcomes, the small wins, communicate them and then celebrate them. Acknowledging and rewarding your employees along the journey to your goals will keep them engaged and passionate to achieve that next milestone.

How we can help – Prepare, plan, and deliver sustainable change

Culture eats strategy unless it’s aligned with the right values. 

Encompass help create the behavioural shifts in leadership and delivery teams you need to make sustainable successful change. Our change management consultancy services take a data-led approach combined with a human lens to help embed these shifts. Working side-by-side your team, we co-design and implement a practical, tangible, and relevant change methodology for your organisation. 

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Culture eats strategy

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